North East India Missions

ABAM     Ao Baptist Arogo Mundgang
ABC      Assam Baptist Convention
ABCA     Ao Baptist Churches Association
ACHIKBS  Achik Bible School
ACRC     Arunachal Christian Revival Council
AFC      Ambassadors for Christ
AG       Assemblies of God
AGAPECC  Agape Christian Church
AGBC     Assemblies of God Bible College
AKBA     Amri Karbi Baptist Association
AKBC     Achik Baptist Convention
AOBC     Ao Baptist Church
ARCM     Assam Revival Church Mission
ASIABF   Asia Baptist Federation
BAPTTC   Baptist Theological College
BBLBC    Bible Believing Church
BBM      Boro Baptist Mission
BC       Baptist Church
BCMIZ    Baptist Church of Mizoram
BCMN     Baptist Church in Manipur
BCRCA    Bodo Christian Revival Church Association
BELC     Bodo Eastern Lutheran Church
BELCC    Bodo Evangelical Lutheran Church Council
BGA      Bethel Gospel Assembly
BLC      Bible Literative Centre
BM       Bible Mission
BMS      Baptist Missionary Society
BRETH    Brethren Assembly
BSI      Bible Society of India
BTLBS    Bethel Bible School
BTS      Baptist Theological Seminary
BYM      Blessing Youth Mission
CABC     Council of Angami Baptist Church
CARWE    Christian Academy for Rural Welfare and Evangelism
CASA     Church's Auxilliary Social Action
CBAPTA   Chawngthu Baptist Association
CBC      Calvary Baptist Church
CBCC     Chakhesang Baptist Church Council
CBCNEI   Council of Baptist Churches of North East India
CC       Church of Christ
CCBS     Christ's Church Bible School
CCI      Campus Crusade India
CCPC     Cathe Christian Prayer Centre
CDF      Christ Disciples Fellowship
CHNGBA   Chang Baptist Association
CHRNF    Christian Fellowship
CHTS     Cachar Hill Tribes Synod
CJC      Church of Jesus Christ
CKHSMS   Chakhesang Mission Society
CKSGBA   Chakhesang Baptist Association
CKSGBI   Chakhesang Bible Institute
CMI      Care Ministry India
CMS      Christian Mission Service
CNBC     Council of Naga Baptist Churches
CNBI     Christ for Nagaland Bible Institute
CNI      Church of North India
CNM      Christ for Nagaland Ministries 
COG      Church of God
CORBC    Council of Rengma Baptist Churches
CRATC    Cherra Theological College
CRC      Christian Research Centre
CRMLGM   Carmel Gospel Mission
CRSTNRF  Christian Revival Fellowship
CZMBC    Chizami Baptist Church
DBC      Delhi Bible Church
DBCA     Dhemaji Baptist Christian Association
DBCU     Darrang Baptist Christian Union
DGLSBI   Douglos Bible Institute
ECCI     Evangelical Congregational Church of India
ECI      Evangelical Church of India
EELC     Eastern Evangelical Lutheran Church
EFCI     Evangelical Free Church of India
ESC      Evangelical Synod Church
ETC      Eastern Theological College
EVGAV    Evangelical Assembly Church
EVGCC    Evangelical Convention Church
EVGCM    Evangelical Church of Maraland
EVGOC    Evangelical Organisational Church
FBC      Freewill Baptist Church
FFNI     Fellowship for Neighbours India
FGCJC    Full Gospel Church of Jesus Christ
FGF      Full Gospel Fellowship
FGPC     Full Gospel Pentecostal Church of God
FMPB     Friends Missionary Prayer Band
GAROBC   Garo Baptist Convention
GAROBU   Garo Baptist Union
GBA      Gangte Baptist Association
GBBCU    Goalpara Boro Baptist Church Union
GBC      Grace Bible college
GEC      Gethsemane Evangelical Church
GELC     Gossner Evangelical lutheran Church
GFA      Gospel for Asia
GOUTM    Gospel Outreach Ministries
ICI      Independent Church of India
IEC      India Evangelical Crusade
IEHC     India Every Home Crusade
IGT      Indian Gospel Team
IMPURBS  Impur Bible School
IND      Independent
INDCM    Independent Church of Maraland
IPC      Indian Pentecost Church
IPCOG    Indian Pentecostal Church of God
JKPS     Jatiyo Kristiyo Prochar Samity
JSGT     Jesus Saves Gospel Team
KABA     Kamrup Assamese Baptist Association
KABC     Karbi Anaylay Baptist Church
KBA      Kuki Baptist Association
KBC      Kuki Baptist convention
KBCA     Khiammiungan Baptist Church Association
KCA      Kuki Christian Association
KCC      Kuki Christian Church
KCGM     Kuki Christian Gospel Mission
KHMBC    Kohima Bible college
KJPS     Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Synod
KNYKBC   Konyak Baptist Church
KRBIBC   Karbi Baptist Convention
LBCA     Lakhimpur Baptist Christian Association
LCM      Lalung Christian Mission
LEF      Laymen's Evangelical fellowship
LOTHABC  Lotha Baptist Church
MABA     Madhya Assam Baptist Association
MBA      Maring and Mao Baptist Association
MBC      Mennonite Brethren Church
MBCMNE   Manipur Baptist Convention   Mission and Evangelism
MCI      Methodist Church in India
MEITEICC Meitei Christian Church
MNPBC    Manipur Baptist Convention
MNPPS    Manipur Presbyterian Synod
MNPTC    Manipur Theological College
MPC      Mizoram Presbyterian Church Mission
MPM      Manipur Presbyterian Mission
MSC      Mar Thoma Syrian Church
MSM      Manipur Synod Mission
MYNBA    Moyon Naga Baptist Association
MZPC     Mizoram Presbyterian Church
NBBCA    North Bank Baptist Christian Association
NBCC     Nagaland Baptist Church Council
NCCI     National Council Churches in India
NCRC     Nagaland Christian Revival Church
NDBA     Nagaon District Baptist Association
NEIBBC   North East India Baptist Bible College
NEIBMCC  North East India Baptist Mission Coordination Committee
NEICORD  North East India Committee on Relief and Development
NELC     Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church
NEPALICC Nepali Christian Church
NF       National Fellowship
NGCC     Nagaland Christian Centre
NGMM     Nagaland Missionary Movement
NKBA     Nehang Karbi Baptist Association
NLF      New Life Fellowship
NLM      New Life Mission
NPBA     Nagaland Police Baptist Association
NPLCF    Nepali Christian Fellowship
NTBC     New Testament Baptist Church
NWGELC   North Western Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church
OM       Operation Mobilisation
PBA      Paomei Baptist Association
PCM      Presbyterian Christian Mission
PCMZ     Presbyterian Church in Mizoram
PENT     Pentecostal Independents
PGT      Peniel Gospel Team
PKBA     Puta Karbi Baptist Association
PMC      Pioneer Missionary Church
PRESBCI  Presbyterian Church of India
RBC      Rongmei Baptist Church
RBCU     Rabha Baptist Church Union
RNBA     Rongmei Naga Baptist Association
RPCI     Reformed Presbyterian Church of India
RRBC     Rantanpur Baptist Church
RUPC     Reformed United Pentecostal Church
SA       Salvation Army
SBAK     Sema Baptist Akukuhou Kughakulu
SBC      Sema Baptist Church
SBCA     Sonitpur Baptist Christian Association
SBCH     Sakyong Busy Church
SBSGRBA  Sibsabar Baptist Association
SDBA     Sadya Dibru Baptist Association
SEMABI   Sema Bible Institute
SISWA    South India Soul Winners Association
SKRSLS   Seekers of Lost Souls
TBA      Tangkhul Baptist Association
TBCA     Tangsa Baptist Church Association
TBCU     Tripura Baptist Christian union
TBL      Tangkhul Baptist Long
TESPRO   Theological Extension Study Programme
TIRAPM   Tirap Mission
TRLKTS   Trulock Theological Seminary
UESI     Union of Evangelical Students of India
UPC      United Pentecostal Church
URF      United Revival Fellowship
VBA      Vaiphei Baptist Association
VCC      Vaiphei Christian Church
WFMC     Worldwide Faith Missions Children
WGM      Worldwide Gospel Mission
WMC      World Missionary Church
WME      World Missionary Evangelism of India
WVI      World Vision of India
WWGM     World Wide Gospel Mission
YWCA     Young Women's Christian Association
ZBAM     Zeliangrong Baptist Association of Manipur
ZBCC     Zeliangrong Baptist Churches Council
ZBCCL    Zeme Baptist Church Council
ZBM      Zoram Baptist Mission
ZBMM     Zeliangrong Baptist Missionary Movement
ZEF      Zoram Evangelical Fellowship
ZIONZBS  Zion Ziari Bible School
ZOMICC   Zomi Christian Church
ZORAMBM  Zoram Baptist Mission
ZORAMEF  Zoram Evangelical Fellowship
ZPMBK    Zoram Pawn Mizo Baptist Kobbran
ZPMK     Zoram Pawn Mizo Kristian