Squah-eh-steh yah-rohn-yih-yeh ih-stah reh, Our Father which art in Heaven,

Ooh-rah-meh tih sheh-shehn-dooh-tih Hallowed be thy name.

Ooh-tah-wah-teh-steh sah-reh-wah Thy kingdom come

Teh-zhooh-tih teh-kyooh tih yah-rohn-yih-yeh.  Thy will be done in earth as it
is in Heaven

Tah-wah-nohnt noh-mah-kehn-tah-teh hah-mehn-tih-yeh kyah-tahn-deh-tah-queh
dah-wah-esh-roh’n-yeh Give us this day our daily bread

Nah-nehngk seh-sah-deh-yooh-hehnk sah-reh-zhah-kohn-dih, teh-zhooh-tih
neh-hehn-dih tsoh-mah-deh-yoh-hehs And forgive us our debts as we forgive our

Nah-nehngk wah-stah-tooh toh-mah squah-nyoh-deh
teh-zhah-shooh-tah-quahn-deh-yeh, tah-0wah-tah-teh-rohn-teh kah-oohf-keh: And
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

Sah-ah-heh-sah-meh dooh-rah-meh, For Thine is the Kingdom,

nah-nehngk deh yah-wih-shrah, and the power,

nah-nehngk and

deh dooh-rah-meh, the glory,

heh-yeh-hah-keh.  forever.

Kohn-dih.  Amen