Cuiba Gospel Recording

Cuiba Gospel of John

New Testament 1

New Testament 2

Genesis 1


John 3:16 Equeicha Jesús nayabara paeba poxonae Nicodemo tsipaebatsi. Jesús jeye: “Nacom antobe bichocono daxita carepaya jiwi xua barapo cae pin nacuathe. Daxota Nacom Pexanto itoroba pon yatsicaya compa tatsi. Pon Nacom Pexanto tatsi jume cowʉntatsi, bapon jopa weraweracae tsane. Bapon peajʉntʉyapusʉwa xeinaena, po peajʉntʉyapusʉwa ataya tsiteca.

The Lord's Prayer



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