Tzotzil: Venustiano Carranza New Testament

New Testament

Huixtan New Testament

Tzotzil 1

Tzotzil 2

God's Simple Plan

The Lord's Prayer 1

The Lord's Prayer 2

Huixtan John 2:1-4

Huixtan John 3:16 Lum ep laj sc'uxubin scotol crixchanoetic ti Jtotic Diose, hech yu'un laj yac' ti milel ti Snich'one. Jun no'ox Snich'on oy. Scotol ti much'utic xch'unojic ti icoltaat xa yu'une, ja' mu xch'ayic. Ja' cuxul sbatel osil.

Huixtan New Testament

Larrainzar John 2:1-4

San Andres New Testament

Zinacantan Mark 1:1-4

Zinacanteco John 3:16 Ti Rioxe bats'i sc'anoj scotol crixchanoetic, yech'o ti istac tal ti junjun Xch'amale. Ti much'utic ta xch'unic ti ja' itojbon li smulique, mu x'ochic ta c'oc', ta xcuxiic ta sbatel osil.

Zinacantlan New Testament



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